Wednesday 25 June 2014

Woman or machine? New robots look creepily human

<b> - <a href=''>Arthritis drug helps hairless man regrow full head of hair</a></b><p>First successful test of a treatment for alopecia universalis, a condition that causes total hair loss</p><B>In hairless man, arthritis drug spurs hair growth</b><p>( Yale University ) A man with almost no hair on his body has grown a full head of it after a novel treatment by doctors at Yale University.There is currently no cure or long-term treatment for alopecia universalis, the disease that left the 25-year-old patient bare of hair. This is the first reported case of a successful targeted treatment for the rare, highly visible disease.</p><B>Woman or machine? New robots look creepily human</b><p>Japanese robotics expert Hiroshi Ishiguro, an Osaka University professor, says they will be useful for research on how people interact with robots and on what differentiates the person from the machine. In a demonstration, the remote-controlled
machines moved their pink lips in time to a voice-over, twitched their eyebrows, blinked and swayed their heads from side to side. The robot, designed ...</p>

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