Tuesday 1 July 2014

Sorry, That 'Bigfoot DNA' Came from a Raccoon

<b>http://tinyurl.com/nm6pcsu - <a href='http://tinyurl.com/nm6pcsu'>&#39;Bigfoot&#39; hair samples undergo DNA analysis: Big mammals, yes. Bigfoot, no.</a></b><p>&#39;Bigfoot&#39; hair samples, studied in collaboration between Bigfoot believers and geneticists, failed to reveal new primate DNA, but scientists may have discovered a new species of bear.</p><B>Is the abominable snowman a polar bear?</b><p>A genetic analysis of two Himalayan hair samples showed they come from no known living creature, but were an exact match to an extinct species of polar bear.</p><B>Sorry, That &#39;Bigfoot DNA&#39; Came from a Raccoon</b><p>A new genetic analysis has found no evidence for a cryptic humanlike primate known as Bigfoot or the Yeti. Hair samples from creatures claimed to be Bigfoot or Sasquatch actually come from cows, horses, dogs and even a few extinct bears. Dubbed the Yeti in the Himalayas, and Bigfoot or Sasquatch in North America, the creature has been called a hybrid huma
n, an early human â€" such as a Neanderthal ...</p>

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